Who we are
History is built with effort
The association of certified coffee producers of Chiliquera "APROCACERCHIL SA" arises with the need to improve the environmental, social and economic conditions of each of the producers that make it up, beginning with the certification process in 2010 with nine producers, obtaining the certified in October of that same year, in 2011 the number of producers increased to 46 and in 2012 the number increased to 83 producers, in 2013 it was decided to establish itself as a company with a number of 124 partners, currently made up of one hundred and fifty and seventy producers , from the different communities of the municipality of Corquín, and Belén Ocotepeque, among them we will mention, Cuchilla del Águila, Casitas, Potrerillos, Jimilile, pacayas, pashapa celeque, Quebrada Onda, Chiliquera, Yaruchel, La Gocia, the The group is made up of twenty-nine women, one hundred and forty-one men, most of the producers are engaged in agriculture, all of them plant and consume their own g Basic ranks, several of the producers are also engaged in other activities such as crops of corn, bananas, among others, raising livestock, fish, pigs and others in beekeeping, which helps producers to have other income not derived from the coffee, APROCACERCHIL has the RainForest, UTZ, ORGANIC AND FAIR TRADE labels.
Coffee Farmers
Hectares of production
69kg bags
How it works
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Why choose our coffee
It's all about food. Great, British, delicious food. From farms across our hills, fields and glasshouses, farmers produce healthy, affordable, quality food to world leading standards, all while protecting and enhancing our precious countryside.
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Our agricultural background means we’re equally at home meeting face-to-face with farmers as we are engaging.